
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Wednesday's Catch: 'QAnon Is a Wolf in Wolf’s Clothing' and More

QAnon Is a Wolf in Wolf’s Clothing

There’s nothing sheepish about this insidious internet demon. Among QAnon’s most troubling aspects are its misuse of the Bible to disguise its deception and its increasing function as a syncretic cult of semi-Christian heresy. Read More
What is notable about QAnon's conspiracy theories is their similarity to the paranoid ideation, delusions of reference, delusions of grandeur, and other psychiatric symptoms that characterize various forms of psychosis. The reason that they are becoming widespread is the way all kinds of inaccurate and false information can quickly spread over the internet and foster and reinforce alternative realities. Its adherents' devotion to President Trump is cultic, going well beyond the kind of enthusiasm which supporters normally show for a political leader. Due to QAnon's obsession with the satanic and its turning of people away from Jesus and orthodox Christianity, one cannot rule out the demonic.
Evil Teachers and the People Who Follow Them (2 Timothy 3:1-17)

Big Idea: Evil teachers will try to capture gullible followers. Avoid the false teachers and stay close to the gospel. Read More

6 Feet May Not Always Be Enough Distance to Protect from COVID-19, New Report Suggests

The current guidance for safe social distancing may not be enough to stop the spread of COVID-19, a new analysis suggests. In the report, researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Oxford say other factors, such as ventilation, crowd size, exposure time and whether face coverings are worn, need to be considered, as well. Read More
A distance of ten feet was recommended on a Church Answers' webinar. What this report does is point to the need to educate people in the concept of layers of intervention. In order to significantly reduce the COVID-19 transmission risks, it is necessary to implement multiple, redundant precautionary measures and not to rely on one or two measures alone. The failure to grasp this concept along with lack of adequate guidance and division over the seriousness of the pandemic are major reasons that churches, when they reopened their buildings, have become the epicenter of a fresh outbreak of the virus.
Barna: 1 in 5 Churches Could Close in the Next 18 Months

Speaking on NPR’s “Here & Now,” Barna president David Kinnaman said that based on trends both before and after the COVID-19 outbreak, American churches will look significantly different after the pandemic—and a fifth of them could close. Read More

Seven Ways to Pray for Yourself Or for Others Who Teach And Preach the Bible

As an elder, one of the things I am called to do as I teach and preach is to model to the congregation how to correctly handle the word of truth. This requires far more than “techniques” or “steps” for interpretation and speaking. The disposition of my heart is of the utmost importance. Here are seven areas to pray into as you pray for yourself when you teach the Bible, and when you pray for others as they teach and preach the Bible. All of these prayer concerns come from John 10:1-18, that great Bible passage on Jesus as the Good Shepherd. Here are seven simple points to pray for all who shepherd/pastor others. Read More

How to Have a Better Website in One Cup of Coffee

In about the time you can finish your morning cup of coffee, there are some universally-effective things you can do to have a better website. Here are five tips to enhance your church’s website.... Read More

I'm Billy Graham's Granddaughter. Evangelical Support of Donald Trump Spits on His Legacy.

In this op-ed published on the USA Today website Billy Graham's granddaughter, Jerushah Duford, criticizes evangelical leaders for their support of Donald Trump. Read More

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