
Monday, September 14, 2020

Monday's Catch: Train Up a Teen and More

Train Up a Teen: Young Evangelicals Mostly Keep Their Parents’ Faith

Pew Research finds that even the most devout young believers don’t agree with Mom and Dad on everything. Christian parents weigh in on the challenges of teenage discipleship. Read More

Evangelical Teens More Likely to Retain Faith, Pray Compared to Mainline Peers

Parents and teens in the U.S. generally share the same faith (or lack thereof), a new study published by Pew Research finds. While the study results may not be surprising, at least one point is interesting: Teens raised in evangelical households are more likely to identify with the faith of their parents than their mainline Protestants peers. Read More

Want Faithful Teens and Young Adults: Disciple Faithful Parents

Despite the perception of many teenagers (and their parents), it is difficult to overstate the importance of parental influence on the present and future religious devotion of their children. Significant studies from Pew Research and LifeWay Research demonstrate the outsized role parents play. Read More

Keeping the Mission in This Moment

We are starting to hear terms now like “Covid fatigue” as the pandemic moves past six months in our country. While most of us would love to return to the way things were before March, things are still far from normalized at this point as the virus is still very much among us. Churches continue to try and balance gathering for worship with protecting the vulnerable. The biblical call for perseverance as we run the race in this season seems particularly relevant (Hebrews 12:1-2). While we do this based on guidelines and wisdom, there are some things we can continue to practice. Read More

The Missional Power of Preparation 

How do we prepare in the midst of uncertainty? Read More

7 Reasons We Can't Give Up on Our Non-Believing Friends

Maybe you’ve prayed for a non-believing family member or friend for a long time – so long, in fact, that you’re close to giving up on him or her. If that’s where you are, here are some simple reasons not to give up today.... Read More

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