
Saturday, September 26, 2020

Saturday Lagniappe: Christians and Conspiracy Theories and More

Why We’re Drawn to Conspiracy Theories

Christianity has been the subject of conspiracy theories since its inception. But recently some Christians have become known for spreading conspiracy theories, which may undermine the gospel witness of the church. Read More

Christians Are Not Immune to Conspiracy Theories [Repost]

Satan has found no shortage of marks among God’s children. But our current technological age has made it possible for conspiracy theories to spread faster than the novel coronavirus. The online realm, which can promote anti-intellectualism and radical individualism, has become a breeding ground for such bizarre conspiracies. Read More

Churches Hit Home Run with Services in Ballparks and Stadiums as COVID-19 Cancels Sports

Amid stay-at-home orders and social distancing guidelines, churches across the country have found creative ways to touch base with their members this year. Many churches have moved online. Those churches that have continued to meet in person in their buildings have done so with smaller gatherings, social distancing, mask wearing and other measures meant to protect worshippers from COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. Others have hosted drive-in services. At least one held a kayak service. And, with many sports canceled for the season, some churches — like South Bend City Church — have filled the stands at the empty stadiums and ballparks in their neighborhoods. Read More

What Pastors See as the ‘New Normal’ for Preaching After the Pandemic

COVID-19’s ministry disruptions are generating lasting insights. Read More

Busting Out Of Sermon Block

Give your sermons new life every week with this timeless advice from Haddon Robinson. Read More

In Praise of Uncomfortable Friendships

The prophet Nathan didn’t seem like an ideal candidate to be King David’s friend. Friendship between a king and his counselors often meant compromise and corruption. But if we use the term “friendship” to mean intentional relationships that push us toward faithfulness to God, then Nathan fits the bill. Read More

Reimagining Evangelism During the Pandemic

Many churches have found effective and creative ways to be on mission and to engage in evangelism during the coronavirus crisis. At the same time, some evangelism approaches have been affected just like church life (and, let’s face it, all of life) has been disrupted. Read More

How to Honestly Share the Gospel [Podcast]

Rico Tice delivered a message in a breakout session at The Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference titled “Honest Evangelism: How to Talk About Jesus Even When It’s Tough.” The workshop explored the issues that make talking about Jesus difficult—for example, doing the hard work of pursuing the lost and overcoming the fact that Christians are simply weird in the eyes of those around us. Watch Now or Read Transcript
Some Christians are growing weirder in the eyes of those around them, embracing bizarre conspiracy theories, peddling misinformation on social media, lashing out at those who disagree with them, demonizing those who do not share their political views, refusing to conform to state and local guidance against the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, encouraging others to do the same, and otherwise behaving in ways that are not worthy of the gospel. They may not recognize it but their actions are making it more difficult for other Christians to share the gospel.

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