
Thursday, September 10, 2020

Thursday's Catch: Digital Church and More

Creating a Structure for Digital Church

As we have learned from churches and researched best practices, we have determined that there are 5 models for doing virtual ministry.... Read More

5 Digital Tools to Reconnect Pastors to Their People

Despite challenges of a pandemic, churches can regain visibility. Read More

Survey Reveals Many Evangelicals Hold Unbiblical Beliefs

A new survey reveals the theological beliefs of Americans about God, sin, salvation, heaven and hell, the church, and the Bible. And the results for evangelicals aren’t encouraging. Read More

The Top Generosity Trigger for Most Churches

The top trigger of a financially generous act toward a cause is engagement. The more engaged a person is in living the vision of the organization, the larger and more frequent their gifts become. Read More

6 Posts on Mentoring--That Is, Discipling Like Jesus Did

Seminary is a great place to find a mentor, but that search must begin in the home and the local church. Read More

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