
Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Tuesday's Catch: Songs to Sing at the End of the Day and More

Keith and Kristyn Getty’s ‘Sing’ Conference Goes Online, Focuses on Singing at Home

Sing Global! is premiering “Evensong,” a new project focused on songs to sing at the end of the day. That is the perfect time to sing, according to Keith Getty, rather than to focus on the worries of the world around us. Read More


The Bible has long encouraged believers through the ages to sanctify the night to the Lord. There is an ancient tradition in the church of spending time before the Lord at the end of the day – this is where the term ‘Evensong’ comes from, an evening service of prayers and songs. This new album of songs was born out of the thoughts and conversations, the prayers and songs that fill our home particularly when the sun goes down.... The Album The Story

3 Improvements For Leading Worship Online

This year has thrust many of us (kicking and screaming) in front of a camera to lead worship. It's hard! Here are three improvements I've discovered that will remove some of that fear and discomfort and help you engage with your unseen church family. Read More

9 Things to Do When You Can't Even Prayer

I’ve been there – when the anguish of life is so heavy that you can’t even speak . . . even to God. Yet, not praying hardly seems to be the right thing to do in those times. So, here are some things to do when you’re struggling so much that you can’t even pray.... Read More

5 Ways to Multiple Disciple Making during a Pandemic

We can no longer just rely on a group leader gathering people in a living room or a classroom to pass on what Jesus started. Those physical environments will still exist to some extent, but if we want to continue this charge to the next generations, we have to exponentially multiply the disciple-makers in new ways. Here are five ways to continue the discipleship chain.... Read More

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