
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Wednesday's Catch: The Dog Ate My Doctrine and More

The Dog Ate My Doctrine: Leaving No Place in Our Pews for Theological Laziness

The latest research reveals several doctrines evangelicals get wrong including the alarming fact that nearly two-thirds of respondents (65%) say Jesus is the first and greatest being created by God. The belief that Jesus is a created being was first championed by the ancient heretic Arius. Today, it fuels the doctrine behind several of the world’s most prominent cults. So why would a majority of evangelicals—those who hold that the Bible is the highest authority for what they believe—agree with such a statement? Read More

The FAQs: What Christians Should Know About Proud Boys and Antifa

This article is informative and I am posting it for that reason. However, it does not address one issue that concerns me. The issue in question is Christians labeling their fellow Christians left-wing and right-wing extremists because they have differing opinions on various issues such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the removal of Confederate monuments, Black Lives Matters demonstrations and protests, and so on. Due to the increasing political polarization of the United States Christians are demonizing each other rather than loving each other as Christ loved us. Read More

Making Your Church Manlier Won’t Make It Bigger

It turns out that Christianity is no more “feminized” today than it was 50 years ago, 100 years ago, 300 years ago, a thousand years ago, or even in the first century of the church. Those who argue that church growth depends on special, male-focused activities—or especially “masculine” programming—mistake the historic record of the church and also imperil the church’s historic teachings on sex. Read More

Four Principles for Welcoming Church Guests in the COVID Age

The call to Christian hospitality is a call both to the individual and to the church at large. As believers, we are to be welcoming people. But how does the gathered church welcome guests when our churches are in various stages of gathering and re-gathering, virtual and physical? How does a global pandemic affect our call to care for the outsider? Read More

The Need for Deeply Formed Pastors

It is certainly possible to be deeply committed to being a Christian—but not be deeply formed by Christ. As a pastor who has experienced the impact of evangelical, Pentecostal, and progressive ways of formation, I’ve noticed how easy it is to compartmentalize our spirituality. Read More

How to Preach an Effective Sermon

When it comes to effectiveness there are only two types of sermons: Type 1. Effective, or Type 2. Ineffective. It is possible for us to get style and approach correct and still be ineffective. Let us discuss six elements of an effective sermon. Read More

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