
Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Wednesday's Catch: Types of Church Leaders and Their Future Prospects and More

How 5 Types of Church Leaders Will Fare in the Future

The categories in this article reflect what Carey Nieuwhof describes as the overall approach leaders are taking to the insane amount of uncertainty, change and disruption that is leadership right now. Each of the five approaches, as Nieuwhof points out, has a probable destination—a prospect for the future that, while not inevitable, is likely. Read More

5 Principles for Leading in Uncharted Waters

What are you holding on to in these uncharted and rough waters? Read More

9 Anti-Abuse Practices Your Church Needs To Adopt

Abuse is an abstract concept for many people, and it’s a word heavy with cultural misconceptions. When talking about abuse, I’ve learned to bridge the communication gap by defining and describing it: abuse is a pattern of coercive control based in an abuser's feeling of entitlement to power over another person. An abuser gains and maintains control through various tactics that can be physical, emotional, verbal, financial, sexual, or spiritual. Abusers actually target churches to find victims and to move into positions of power, so church leaders must be prepared to prevent abuse, to deal with it in their congregations, and to provide healing for abuse survivors. Read More

Is Jesus Divine? 30% of “Evangelicals” Say No. [Video]

How is it possible that 30% of U.S. evangelicals* reject the deity of Jesus Christ? Watch as Ligonier Teaching Fellow Dr. Stephen Nichols speaks on this startling finding from our 2020 State of Theology survey. Watch Now

Which Americans Are least Likely to Believe in Jesus' Resurrection

Knowing whether someone accepts Jesus’ resurrection as a historical fact can make a significant difference in how we evangelize them. While 2 in 3 Americans believe the Easter accounts, there are some groups who are less likely to accept them as the gospel truth. Read More

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