
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Mask-Wearing Is Up In The U.S., But Young People Are Still Too Lax, CDC Survey Finds

More Americans may be wearing masks than early last spring, but other recommended behaviors to stop the pandemic's spread haven't kept pace, according to a new federal survey. And young people are the least likely to take needed steps to stop the virus, the data suggest.

The proportion of U.S. adults reporting wearing face masks increased from 78% in April to 89% in June, according to the nationally representative survey released by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Tuesday.

But the survey found either no change or a decline in other behaviors aimed at preventing the spread of the coronavirus, such as hand-washing, social distancing and avoiding public or crowded places. Read More

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The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed how self-centered Americans can be and how little regard they can have for the lives of others. Jared Kushner' admissions are not surprising. To those who are paying attention, it is quite evident from his comments, Donald Trump has written off a large segment of the US population as casualties of the pandemic in his bid to reopen the economy and to secure his re-election. What is more surprising is that a segment of the population which identifies itself as Christian has gone along with what may be described as anti-life, pro-death policies, raising serious questions about its commitment to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus fed the hungry, healed the sick, expelled demons, and raised the dead. He taught that his disciples are to be as merciful as God is merciful. He rebuked the Pharisees for their lack of compassion. He drew to his disciples' attention that those who showed compassion to others were, unknown to themselves, showing compassion to him. They would on the day of judgment be welcomed into his presence and rewarded for their compassion. But those who failed to show compassion to others, would be on the day of judgment sent away to eternal punishment. Jesus' warning is something that should give us pause. We can deceive ourselves but we cannot deceive Jesus. He knows our hearts. 

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