
Saturday, October 31, 2020

Saturday Lagniappe: The Denomination and Church Revitalization and More

Church revitalization almost always requires resources. But where should those resources come from and how should denominations resource church revitalization for their churches? Read More

Friendly, Caring, and Carrying Churches

We all want our churches to be loving environments. But what does that look like? How do we make that happen? Read More

3 Pain Points of Small Town Ministry--and How to Grow through Them

After living more than a decade of my adult life in small towns, I’m finally getting the hang of it. I’ve learned there are particular rhythms to small town life. And not all of them are good. Read More

Winter Is Coming: COVID-19 Forces Hard Choices for Churches

TGC asked five pastors how they’ve been using the relative safety of outdoors, how the weather is a challenge, and how they’re thinking creatively about the changing seasons. Read More

Movement Wants to Make Southern Baptists Conservative Again

A new network of pastors says it’s trying to unite the SBC. But its critics fear the opposite. Read More

The World Is Trapped in America’s Culture War

America won the internet, and now makes us all speak its language. Read More

How To Eliminate Boring Sermons

There is a world of difference between preaching a sermon and living a sermon. Read More

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