
Saturday, October 17, 2020

Saturday Lagniappe: Online Benchmarks Churches Should Start Measuring and More

How do you measure what happened at church last weekend? How do you know that you’re actually making progress? If the goal is to turn online views into real relationships and actual discipleship, any idea what to look for to know if that’s actually happening? Read More

7 Things Every Leader Should Be Preparing for Now

While no one knows the future, that doesn’t mean you can’t prepare. And while I have no greater insight into the future than you do, here are 7 things I’m planning around as 2021 approaches. I’ll also share a short action step with each insight. Read More

5 Leadership Hacks You Can't Afford to Miss

Sometimes leadership can seem so overwhelming. In reality, though, there are some leadership hacks that make it simpler than it first appears. In many ways, great leaders master some very basic things that other people miss. The advice in this post is so simple you might be thinking “well, my mother used to tell me to do that”. Maybe that’s the point. Read More

How to Connect with the People Watching Your Church Online and Why So Many Church Leaders Resist Tech [Podcast] 

Silicon Valley titan Pat Gelsinger, the CEO of VMWare and former CTO of Intel, and Scott Beck, who scaled Blockbuster Video, Boston Market, Einstein Brothers Bagels and, and is the Founder of Gloo, talk about how the future church can use technology to reach people and connect people. Listen Now

The Church Recovery Process Out of COVID

The post-COVID recovery will take years, not months, in many small churches. Karl Vaters shares some key ways churches can begin the recovery process. Listen Now

5 Myths about Pastoral Leadership

Preaching isn’t the primary calling of the pastor—shepherding is. Jesus’s charge to Peter was “feed my sheep” and “tend my sheep” (John 21:15). The shepherd’s job description is to “care for the church of God” (Acts 20:28). Preaching is a primary means to a greater end—the end of pastoring! Read More

Why Your Character is Crucial, and How to Develop It

Competence may get you in the door, but character keeps you in the room. Character is core to who you are as a leader, whether or not people trust you, and your overall effectiveness for the good of others. Let’s be blunt. People simply will not follow anyone they don’t trust. Being really good at what you do is critical, but character is the bottom line for a spiritual leader. Read More

Survey: Evangelical Teens Differ from Other Christian Teens

In almost every area of a recent survey, evangelicals stand apart from other teens in both religious belief and also practice. Read More

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