
Saturday, October 03, 2020

Saturday Lagniappe:

The majority of churches are in decline, and 94% of all churches are losing ground against their community (that is, their community is growing faster than the church is).And yet, even in the midst of that, some churches are growing.In those churches are the early clues to what future church growth looks like. Here are 7 factors that will drive almost all future church growth. Read More
Also see "Seven Weird Lies about Online Church Pastors Need to Stop Believing" and "3 Reasons 'The Algorithm' Hates Some of Your Best Content."
Most Congregations Are Doing All Right during COVID-19. But the Future Is Uncertain.

David King, director of the Lake Institute, said the institute surveyed 555 congregations for the study, mostly from a wide range of Christian traditions, along with a few Jewish and Muslim groups. While not a representative sample, he said, the study gives a snapshot of how congregations have fared during the COVID-19. Most have done pretty well, with both participation and finances holding steady. While the financial picture appears to be positive, many churches are still empty.Read More
A word of caution is needed here. Giving is not a reliable indicator of church health. Declining churches may experience an uptick in giving as the remaining members seek to stave off closure.
Research Roundup: Preaching Takeaways from the Latest in Social Science

Because, as Karl Barth never said, a pastor should read the Bible in one hand, the newspaper in the other, and a peer-reviewed social science journal in another. Read More

Covid: Faith Groups' Singing Studied for Coronavirus Risk

Faith communities are being invited to take part in a study of the role singing plays in spreading coronavirus. Participants will be asked to sing at different volumes, and lasers will be used to detect and measure the droplets they produce. Researchers will then look into how many droplets are blocked by different types of face covering. The hope is this can inform guidance to allow worshippers to return to communal singing safely. The team will also collect information about how Covid-19 has affected the experiences of prayer for different faith groups. Read More

The Ultimate Guide To Church Live Streaming Equipment

What type of live streaming equipment should you use for church live streaming? If you want to create a professional live stream, your smartphone may not provide the quality or features that you need. For pro video and sound, you need pro equipment including cameras, microphones, video switchers, and audio mixers. Read More

5 Temptations for Pastors in the Social Media Age

Our social networks open up several unique traps we must avoid. Read More

The Real Cost of Using Social Media

It is often said, “If the product/website/app/etc. you’re using is free, you are the product.” That sounds terrifyingly dehumanizing, doesn’t it? But it is not true. The reality is worse than that. Read More

Christians, We are Losing Our Witness

This year has proven to be a difficult one on many levels. The fallout of issues concerning policing, race, health, protest, riots, and even the way in which we live our lives have quite literally rocked our world. In fact, the world has gotten so small due to the speed at which news can spread—usually before we blink, another tragedy comes across our screens. Frankly, we are overexposed, and some Christians seem to thrive on it. Amid the turmoil, some Christians jump on social media seemingly looking for the next controversy to exploit. I’m not saying there is never a place for healthy discussion or even debate, but this is not what I am observing most of the time. Rather, I see Christians going after their brothers and sisters, and even insulting the unregenerate. Bottom line: it is not Christlike. Read More
Christians are also destroying their witness in other ways. Their lifestyle is often indistinguishable from that of their non-Christian neighbors. They are dismissing the safety concerns of others in the midst of an epidemic and disregarding state and local guidance against transmitting what is an incurable disease which has taken a huge toll in human lives in the United States and elsewhere. They have followed the lead of a president who, while knowing that COVID-19 is a serious, life-threatening disease has downplayed the danger that it present to the safety, health, and welfare of the nation, and who has set a bad example for the nation by ignoring the recommendations of the nation's health experts. The same president is now languishing in a military hospital with COVID-19, a military hospital where he is receiving far better treatment than many of his fellow-Americans have received due to his administration's inadequate response to the epidemic. 

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