
Thursday, October 29, 2020

Thursday's Catch: What Pastors Can Learn from Early Voting and More

This is not a political post. I’m staying out of that mess. But I will be using one of the most overlooked aspects of the current state of American politics to make a parallel to the church world. Because there’s a lesson in it that we MUST learn. Read More

Using a Mission Filter to Thrive during a Pandemic

What if COVID-19 is a hinge point for your church? Why a hinge point? On a door or gate, the hinge is two halves joined at the hinge point making the door useful to its purpose. The power of a hinge is at the connection point. Without the connection, the hinge doesn't work. Read More

The New Mixed Ecology: People, Property, and Properties after COVID-19 (Repost)

What happens when attractional church is no longer possible? When a ceiling is placed on how many of us can be together in one place? Read More

Myths about COVID-19 Busted: Masks, Indoor Transmission, Cold Weather, and More

University of Chicago Medicine Executive Medical Director for Infection Prevention and Control Dr. Emily Landon took time to bust some of the most prevalent myths about COVID-19 and the pandemic, as coronavirus cases continue to rise in Illinois and across the nation. Read More

Seven Keys to Leading and Managing Virtual Workers

I began leading virtual workers several years ago. I have been a consummate student attempting to learn this new world. So, what have I learned? My brief list is not exhaustive, but it does represent some of the major points I have learned over the past several years. I see these seven repeated consistently. Read More 

No One Is an Accident

When children are sure that they are loved, they know in their gut that they are not really an accident. They belong here. Without them, their family — and for that matter this universe — would have a ghastly, aching hole in it. Read More

UM News: Should General Conference Go Virtual?

With no end in sight to the deadly pandemic, a number of United Methodist leaders are urging that General Conference be virtual — if it’s to be held at all next year. Read More

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