
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Tuesday's Catch: Cultural Burnout and More

How to Minister to a Culture That Is Burning Out

What can you do to point toward a solution, rather than be part of the problem? Read More 

The Case for Civility

What if digital technologies and upward mobility have displaced and isolated us because we find their moral demands on our relationships much easier than the demands of true civility? What if the path to a more humane, more real, and spiritually healthier culture is the path toward self-denying, other-preferring practices of Christian civility? Read More
Christians are not the only ones who practiced civility in Western culture.Indeed the disappearance of civility may be an indicator of the erosion of Western culture. Asian cultures have historically placed a high value upon harmonious relations betweeb all levels of society. As I am learning in my Japanese language class, the language itself of an Asian nation may reinforce such values. On the other hand, contemporary English, the English of everyday speech, no longer reinforces civility. This may be in part due to the language of social groupings that placed less value on civility having displaced the language of social groupings that did value civility. The language of what might bedescribed as the lower echelons of our society has become mainstream and those echelons do not value civility but the opposite--coarseness and rudeness. The declining influence of Christianity with its emphasis on showing respect for others in our culture may partially account for this development. The language of the street has displaced the language of the drawing room and the Sunday School class. One might describe it as the "barbarianization" of the language. It may itself be an indicator of the decline of Western culture.
The Most Powerful Factor in Determining Belief [Podcast]

Imagine you spent countless hours studying scientific and philosophical objections to Christianity. You enrolled in the classes. You read the books. You practiced the arguments. And you found out that no one really cared. Watch Podcast or Read Transcript

6 Important Factors To Re-Open Your Church Well

Churches don’t simply re-open, and you’re done. Re-opening is a process, and it could be a long one depending on when we finally get to the post COVID era. It requires a new leadership mindset. As long as culture and circumstances keep changing, the church continues its re-opening process. Read More

5 Core Qualities of Leadership Confidence

The moment you step up to lead, you immediately discover your level of confidence. And the question that comes up is why? Read More

How Culture Shapes Sermons

Recent books on culturally distinct preaching challenge misconceptions and equip diverse pastors to better address a multiethnic world. Read More

8 Reasons It’s Tough for Some Folks to Hear Us When We Preach

Not everyone listens to us when we preach, even when we’re in the same room. Here are some reasons some people struggle to listen... Read More

It’s Time to Start Limiting Your Zoom Meetings

According to a Microsoft study, the longer the meeting goes, the worse the results. Read More

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