
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Tuesday's Catch: Thriving Small Churches and More

How A New Generation Is Changing What Quality Looks Like In A Thriving Small Church

Millennials are not the church of tomorrow. They’re raising families in and outside of our churches right now. Mostly outside of them. Unfortunately, some people have written off the current generation spiritually. That is a mistake – for the church and for them. Read More

The Blessings Of Low-Tech Church During A High-Tech Pandemic

How would our churches have adapted if this pandemic had happened just 20 years ago? What would we have done without ready access to internet-based technology? I’m convinced that whatever we would have done then, we should also be doing it now. Read More

Small Churches Can Thrive Even If They Don’t Become Big

“Why do you want churches to be small?” I hear that question a lot. My answer? I don’t want churches to be small. I want small churches to thrive! Wanting churches to be small is like wanting Hawaii to be sunny or vegetables to be nutritious. We don’t need to want it. That’s their normal state of being. Read More

How to Know if You Are Connecting With Online Viewers

If your church has gone online, Carey Nieuwhof has identified 5 online benchmarks that your church nees to be tracking. Read More

The Alpha-Male Style in American Evangelicalism

A historian asks whether a warped view of masculine authority has corrupted our faith and political witness. Read More

Generosity During COVID-19

How do we care for the most vulnerable during COVID-19? Read More

Our Responsibility to Others

As followers of Christ, we have a unique responsibility to love and care for those in our community who are vulnerable and oppressed. Throughout the Old Testament and carrying over into the life and ministry of Jesus, we see a particular focus on children, the poor, the widowed, and the foreigner. This was completely counter-cultural then, and it’s completely counter-cultural now. Read More

Churchgoers Aren’t Able to Lift Every Voice and Sing during the Pandemic – Here’s Why That Matters

Because of COVID-19, churches no longer reverberate with song; hymnals are neatly stacked and projection screens blank. Even as church leaders plan for reopening, scientists warn that it might be too early to resume singing in groups. Read More

20 Truths from ‘Models of Evangelism’ by Priscilla Pope-Levison

“Christians inevitably are message bearers, and that message is full of beauty, peace, goodness, and salvation.” Read More

Why Many Americans Will Be Shocked On Election Day

Many Americans will be terribly and totally shocked by the election results. Why is this the case? Read More

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