
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Wednesday's Catch: Churches Regather to Low Attendance and More

The vast majority of U.S. Protestant churches say they are holding in-person services, but churchgoers have yet to attend in the numbers they did before the coronavirus pandemic struck. Read More
Churchgoers are not going to rush back to church with the number of COVID-19 cases on the rise in all states except Hawaii. The reluctance of a substantial number of people to return to church should not surprise us. Because one group of attendees is eager to return to church, we cannot assume that everyone else feels the same way. Some people may begin to trickle back once their safety concerns are addressed. Others may never come back at all.
8 Pandemic-Friendly Ways to Reach Your Low-Tech Members

COVID has brought many challenges to staying connected, and it can be especially difficult for churches to engage with members who don’t have internet or are uncomfortable with technology, social media, or smartphones. Often those groups include seniors or lower income individuals and families. But with a little creativity, personal touch, and, in some cases, old-school outreach methods, you can keep connected with all your members. Here are a few pandemic-friendly tips to help engage even your low-tech members. Read More

Setting Goals You’ll Reach (Part 1)

Research tells us that more people struggle with setting goals than they do accomplishing them. Sitting down and actually thinking about what God wants us to do with our lives is often the hardest part. Yet the biggest differentiator between those who were moderately successful in life and those who were highly successful is whether or not they had definable goals written down. Read More

Setting Goals You'll Reach (Part 2)

People only accomplish the goals they plan to accomplish. You probably have big plans to engage your community with the message of Jesus, but you need to back that vision up with tangible, written-down goals. Genesis 24 and the story of Eliezer provide a great model for us in developing and pursuing goals. Last week, I shared with you five steps to Eliezer’s goal-setting strategy. Here are five more.... Read More

6 Helpful Resources and Opportunities to Be Aware of

From the beginning of my starting this blog, I’ve wanted to help pastors and church leaders. Today, I’m listing and describing some resources that I think you and your church might find helpful. Thanks for taking the time to check them out! Read More

Francis Becomes 1st Pope to Endorse Same-Sex Civil Unions

Pope Francis endorsed same-sex civil unions for the first time as pope while being interviewed for the feature-length documentary “Francesco,” which premiered Wednesday at the Rome Film Festival. Read More

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