
Monday, November 09, 2020

8 Tips for Unforgettable Bible Teaching

We’ve all been there at some point in our ministry: We’ve waited until the last minute to add final details to our lessons or sermons, pushed the envelope when it comes to finalizing materials, and barely made it to the church, home, or classroom on time.

It’s not a good feeling, and it sets the stage for a rushed, disjointed time with those we serve.

As a pastor for 17 years, I’ve tried to demonstrate an extreme preparation mentality for my ministry teams.

My goal was to finish my sermon manuscript by midweek, with any visual aids pre-selected. All this would get turned in to the media team days in advance so they could also practice extreme preparation.

On Sundays, I would plan to arrive at church at least an hour early to run through the slides with the team, and to go back over the message another time or two.

I would want to be in the main room and ready to go, greeting people with a calm, peaceful smile on my face as they found their seats.

I tried to model this behavior because I wanted our team to do the same in their respective ministries. A well-prepared atmosphere makes a world of difference.

But intentionality and preparation should go beyond the preacher delivering the weekend sermon; it also applies to a Bible study group leader. Read More

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