
Saturday, November 14, 2020

Saturday Lagniappe: Is Politics Becoming Your Religion and More

Clearly as Christians we do not want our politics to become our religion. We want to engage politically because we care for our country, because we pray for our leaders, and because we know the policies that are set impact people and the places we live and love. But we don’t want politics to become our dominant belief system, the thing that captures our hearts and drives us. So, how can we recognize the drift in our own hearts? How do we know if politics has become our religion or is becoming our religion? Here are three warning signs.... Read More

How To Lead People Toward Grace And Peace In An Anxious Time

I often hear this phrase, “It’s getting kinda crazy out there.” The unsettling nature of our current culture, after time, affects the disposition of your soul. It wears you down. We can barely notice it at times because it’s nearly a constant. It’s most often described as subtle low-grade anxiety of the soul. And some would say it’s not so subtle. Yet we are called to lead people into the love of God and the unity of peace. How do we do that with so much division? Read More 

What Is Sustainable Living

According to Green Matters, sustainable living is “a lifestyle that aims to reduce one’s environmental impact, in ways that are sustainable both for the Earth and for the person.” With more and more research indicating potentially devastating effects from global climate change, many individuals are making changes — big and small — in their daily lives to live more sustainably. Read More

10 Ways to Ignite Fervent Prayer in your Small Group

Praying in a small group can be intimidating for those who haven’t done it before. You’d be surprised how many people are not used to praying out loud with other people around them listening in. This is an essential spiritual practice for all believers to develop because agreement in prayer among two or more believers sparks the outworking of God’s will on earth as it is in heaven and strengthens the community of His Church (Matthew 18:18-20). As the small group leader, you can ignite a passion for prayer in your group by engaging in these practices.... Read More
How can we agree in prayer if we do not hear the prayer of our fellow Christians? To God it does not matter if our prayers are halting and unpolished. What matters to God is that we share our joys and our sorrows, our concerns and our needs with him.

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