
Monday, November 23, 2020

Thanksgiving Gatherings Could Inflame COVID-19 Crisis

Millions of Americans are likely to gather with their friends and families for Thanksgiving despite rising COVID-19 cases, prompting fears the holiday will only add fuel to the fire and spiral the pandemic further out of control.

The U.S. is confirming record-breaking numbers of new cases every day, and millions more people are infected, many unknowingly, posing great risks of community spread.

Deaths and hospitalizations are increasing across the country, and because deaths lag behind cases, fatalities are expected to continue increasing in the coming weeks with no signs of stopping.

That creates high risk for the holiday season, when millions of people will seek solace in visiting their friends and family after a long, stressful year, but experts caution that the safest thing to do, for individuals and society as a whole, is to stay home. Read More

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