
Saturday, November 07, 2020

Saturday Lagniappe: The Ninth Commandment and the God of Truth and More

How often do we skirt the truth, hide the truth, or neglect to tell the truth? The reality is that God loves the truth, delights in the truth, and upholds the truth because He is the God of truth. As the sovereign Creator of all things, He established truth and has revealed His truth generally in creation and specifically in His Word (Ps. 19). Read More

How Grace Lets You Have It All

The more you understand the magnitude of God’s grace, the more accurate will be your view of the depth of your unrighteousness; and the more you understand the depth of your unrighteousness, the more you will appreciate the magnitude of God’s gift of grace. The person who is comfortable in his own righteousness hasn’t really understood grace, and the person who is unimpressed by God’s grace hasn’t really understood his sin. So let’s talk about the essentiality of God’s grace. Read More

When the Church Bully Happens to Be the Pastor

We have written extensively on this website about church members who take the reins of the church and call the shots, who bully parishioners and pastors alike. But a friend wrote, “What are we to do when the bully is the pastor?” “What does your pastor do?” I asked him. His bullying pastor demands his way in everything, tolerates no dissent, and ousts anyone not obeying him. He intimidates church members and dominates the other ministers. His opinion is the only one that counts. We could wish it were a rare phenomenon. It isn’t. Read More

On a Mail-In Ballot and a Prayer, Biden Wins White House

In a contentious election taking days to call, the Catholic candidate’s faith outreach paid off in swing states. Trump has pledged to challenge in court. Read More

Donald Trump Refuses to Concede Defeat as Recriminations Begin

Biden declared winner but president says: ‘This is far from over.’ Legal challenges threatened but experts doubt they will succeed. Read Nore

The Real Competition for the Local Church

We’re not competing against the things we think we are for people’s time and attention. Read More

Some Surprises of the Post-Quarantine Church: An Interview with Carey Nieuwhof [Podcast]

An expert in practical local church leadership, Carey Nieuwhof joins Thom and Sam Rainer to discuss his most recent book and a few surprises of the post-quarantine church. Listen Now

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