
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

We Are Not Living in Normal Times This Thanksgiving

Having already inflicted much pain and suffering on the American people, the Trump administration appears to have no qualms about adding to their misery. As the COVID-19 coronavirus surges across the nation and new cases are spiking, the White House Thanksgiving proclamation encourages people to gather despite the warnings of the CDC and other public health officials. In normal times such encouragement might be appropriate but we are not living in normal times. We are in the midst of a serious epidemic. 

Having lost the election, President Trump appears to be set on dragging American people down with him. Since he lost the election, he has sought to put all kinds of obstacles in the path of the incoming administration, obstacles that not only make the task of the new administration more difficult but endanger the health and safety of the American people. His actions and the inadequate and inappropriate response of the Trump administration to the pandemic raise questions about whether the outgoing president and members of his administration should be held criminally liable for endangering the health and safety of the people of this great nation. One does not restore a nation to its former greatness by permitting a dangerous, infectious disease to spread among its people. One only further weakens that nation.

Only an individual who is an agent of a foreign power hostile to the United States or a individual whom such a power controls or an individual who has no concern for the health and safety of his fellow Americans and puts his own self-interests before the interests of the nation would act in this manner. They are not the actions of a president who has a genuine commitment to the health and safety of the nation.

The people of this great nation should take time to offer God thanks for the blessings that he has bestowed upon them but in the relative safety of their own homes with the immediate members of their households. They should also give thanks to God for having spared the nation from a president who during a major national emergency rose to his level of incompetence and showed that he was not the right leader to deal with this national emergency. This is not to say that President Trump should not be given credit where credit is due. He did make some right decisions. But it is to recognize that President Trump and his closest aides are not the right people to lead this nation in a time of calamity as great as the COVID-19 pandemic. During such a time the nation needs a more level-headed steersman at the helm of our nation—a steersman who will bring the nation to calmer waters and then safely to harbor.

Also See:
White House Thanksgiving proclamation calls for Americans to 'gather' even as Covid-19 surges
Fauci makes "final plea" to Americans before Thanksgiving 

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