
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Wednesday's Catch: An Estimated One in 100 Americans Infected with COVID-19 Coronavirus and More

More than 3 Million people in U.S. Estimated to Be Contagious with the Coronavirus

More than 3 million people in the United States have active coronavirus infections and are potentially contagious, according to a new estimate from infectious-disease experts tracking the pandemic. That number is significantly larger than the official case count, which is based solely on those who have tested positive for the virus. Read More

Covid-19 in the US: Is This Coronavirus Wave the Worst Yet?

Americans may have tuned out of coronavirus news as they focused on the outcome of the presidential election, but the pandemic has quietly been getting worse in the country. Read More

Map: The Coronavirus Risk for a Big Thanksgiving Dinner in Your Community

About 40 percent of Americans plan to attend a Thanksgiving gathering with 10 or more people, one study finds. Read More

Don't Rely on a Negative Test Result to See Your Family for Thanksgiving

If you think a negative test result means you don't have coronavirus, you could be wrong. It can take days before a new infection shows up on a Covid-19 test. Read More

CDC Gives Thanksgiving Guidance about Singing and Pets

The public health organization issued updated recommendations to prevent superspreader gatherings. Read More

The FAQs: Are Fetal Cells Being Used in COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatments?

Here is what you should know about fetal tissue cells and the ethical concern about using them to develop therapeutics and vaccines. Read More

11 Problems with Church Parking Lot

In these days of COVID, church parking lots have become more important; in fact, they’re where the worship service takes place in some cases. Here are some general parking lot problems I’ve seen, listed in no particular order. Read More

Every Parent is a Sunday School Teacher Now

With Sunday school canceled, it’s time for Christian parents to come good on those vows once affirmed in a baby dedication service—to ‘discipline and instruct’ our children in the ways of the Lord. In most instances, no Sunday school means that either we parents assume the mantle of primary disciple-makers in the lives of our children or we abdicate our responsibility. But there will be no false middle. Now, every Christian parent in our church is a Sunday school teacher. Read More

Preach with Kindness

Recently I was guest preaching at a church, and a woman came up to me after the sermon and said to me, “You preach with such kindness.” I have not been able to shake that remark ever since (and not just because it was a compliment!). It seemed significant to me for a couple of reasons. Read More

Becoming Humble Interpreters of God’s Unchanging Word

In this final column, I offer a few suggestions to keep us from falling into either postmodern or modern error. Read More

4 Steps to Diffusing Social Media Tension

Jesus tells us the second commandment is to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31). In the digitally-connected 21st century world, this commandment extends to loving our brothers and sisters across the globe. Yet this command may be difficult to keep in our increasingly politicized and divided world. This is especially true on social media. Read More

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