
Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Wednesday's Catch: Mission Drift, the Post-Election Church, and More

Churches without purpose tend to drift. Like the flotsam and jetsam in the sea, a church adrift does little more than float along as aimless debris. I have yet to see a church drift towards God’s mission. The current of apathy always pulls away. It’s obvious to point out drifting churches as lacking purpose. But what causes this drift? What are some early warning signs of an unraveling in a congregation? Let’s look at eight practical indicators. Read More

After the US Election: 3 Things the Culture Needs Right Now the Church Can Give

While the situation is so much more complex and nuanced than a 1,000 word blog post can address, as the Presidential election hangs in the balance, here are three things we do know that can help you move forward as a church leader. Read More

Elections, Justice, and the Church in the Rural-Urban Divide

As I write this, the outcome of the 2020 election is anyone’s guess. One of my hopes is that, regardless of the outcome, we can avoid some of the cliched approaches that perpetuated a rural-urban divide last time around. Such a divide harms the church’s witness in these communities and prevents the church from engaging in meaningful and transformative ministry. Read More

Rick Warren: Unity is the Priority Over Politics

Continuing the conversation with "America's Pastor" about the role of politics and fear in our nation. Read More
Also see "Rick Warren: The Mind of Christ for This Election."
Tips for Leaders Who Lack the Crucial Skill of Listening Well

Here are some tips that I am working on that can help you and I become better listeners.... Read More

Watching Our Words

In a world of shrill tones, we can demonstrate the gospel through our words. Read More

4 Tools for the Church in Divisive Days

How can Christians live wisely in divisive times, in a media landscape where algorithms perpetuate, and corporations profit from, polarization? In his sovereignty and grace, God gives his church tools for resisting the pull toward disunity. Here are four of them. Read More

What Unforgiveness Does to Your Brain

We’ve all been deeply hurt in some way … a betrayal by a spouse, a behind-your-back criticism from a friend, hateful judgment from someone at church, a false accusation by a co-worker, unfair treatment by a boss or a parent. And the deeper the hurt, the harder it is and the longer it takes us to forgive. But sometimes we simply don’t forgive. We harbor a grudge. Resentment builds in our hearts. We nurse the offense. As a result, we remain prisoner to our pain and we harm our brain. Read More

11 Tips for Minimizing the Dark Sides of Social Media

How do you take advantage of the rewards of social media while avoiding its pitfalls? Read More>

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