
Friday, December 11, 2020

Friday's Catch: Free Resources from Southeastern Seminary and More

3 Free Resources from Southeastern Seminary Southeastern Seminary has some great free resources for church leaders. I have already downloaded a copy of Thom Rainer's free e-book, How Your Church Can Reach People in the Post-Covid World.

Doing More With Less As the year draws to a close, it is a good time to do a ministry assessment and prune away those ministries our church no longer needs.

How To Lead When Life Seems Out Of Control Leading a church is difficult in ordinary times. We, however, are no longer living in ordinary times.

Core Convictions about Prayer This post is abridged and adapted from Daniel R. Hyde’s chapter “Continuing in Prayer” in Faithful and Fruitful: Essays for Elders and Deacons edited by William Boekestein and Steven Swets. The core convictions described in the post, however, should be all Christians' and not just elders and deacons'.

Should Pastors Speak Up About the COVID-19 Vaccine? With Christians split on the issue, some urge vaccination as a form of neighborly love, while other leave it up to conscience.

Manitoba Govt Lifts Ban on Drive-In Church ‘Subject to Compliance’ Manitoba has temorarily lifted its ban on drive-in worship services provided the occupants of the cars are from the same household and do not leave their cars. If churches do not comply with these conditions, the province will reinstate the bam.

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