
Monday, December 28, 2020

Monday's Catch: The Dangerous Love of Ease and More

The Dangerous Love of Ease As Christians living in the West, one temptation we face (often being unaware that we face it) is the temptation to become comfortable, cozy, content, altogether uninterested in anything that might threaten the repose we’ve constructed for ourselves. We live as Bilbo Baggins in the Shire of church history, largely tucked away from its many dangers and discomforts. 

6 Warning Signs Your Church Culture Is Toxic Every church has a culture. But how do you know if your church culture is toxic? More importantly, how would you know whether you’re creating a toxic church culture as a leader?

The Ultimate DIY Guide To Portable Mobile Church EquipmentIf you are contemplating doinf :church-na-box," this article is for you. If you are doing "church-in-a-box," this artice is for you.

This Is No Time to Preach in Neutral Being vague can create all kinds of pain, especially when we are vague about the expectations we have of other people.

An Invitation to Read the Bible with Us throughout 2021 Chuck Lawless invites his readers to join him in reading and study the Bible in 2021.

Spiritual Formation That Fits You Spiritual formation will look different for different people—and that's okay.

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