
Thursday, December 03, 2020

Thursday's Catch: Secret Attenders and More

The Four Categories of Online Viewers (and how to respond to each one) If your church has online services, you may have secret attenders. Secret attenders? Yes, secret attenders.

Welcome to Multisite Church in the New Normal Is multisite still a viable option in the COVID-19 era? If multisite is still a viable strategy, what is the multisite new normal? How does a multisite church reopen its campuses?

Waiting for a COVID-19 Vaccine As we enter the season of Advent, a time of anticipation and expectation centered on the coming of a long-awaited Savior, the vaccine news provides us with a different kind of waiting. How can the themes of Advent help us approach the coming of a vaccine? What does faithful waiting look like?

Were Early Christian Scribes Untrained Amateurs?
In this post Michael Kreuger debunks the claim that early Christian scribes were amateurs and therefore early Christian manuscripts are unreliable.

And Can it Be? Like his older brother John, Charles Wesley was a priest of the Church of England and a key figure in the Methodist Movement, which began as a movement in the Anglican Church but subsequently broke away from that church. Charles was a prodiguous hymn writer. His hymns are an embodiment of Wesleyan theology, also known as Evangelical Arminianism.

Modeling Evangelism for the Church Aligning what we say with what we do is key to our personal transformation and growth. Chuck Lawless offers several tips on how we can do evangelism this Covid Christmas Season.

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