
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Tuesday's Catch: The Danger of Mixing Politics and Religion and More

Beth Moore: Trumpism Is the Most ‘Seductive & Dangerous’ Thing I’ve Seen Beth Moore urges Christians to distance themselves from Christian nationalism. They are walking a path that leads away from God.

Christian Nationalism Leveled by a Conservative Rod Dreher takes down the Eric Metaxas parade and its idolatry.

‘Bizarre’ Jericho March Melds Theology, Politics, and...Shofars Christian nationalism's mixture of politics and religion alarms orthodox Christians. It is at odds with what Jesus taught and exemplified.

The Evolution of Digital Third Space Its evolution has implications for the church that we are only beginning to grasp.

Think You Know the Christmas Story? Here are Five Common Misconceptions In the 1980s i attended a lecture bt the liturgical scolar Thomis Talley in which he explained how the early church calculated the date of Jesus' birth. It was only coincidence that it fell on a date close to the pagan Roman festival of Sol Invictus--the Victorious Sun.

8 Reasons Preaching during the Christmas Season Can Be More Difficult The challenge this year for many preachers will be telling the Christmas story online to an audience who thinks that they have heard it before but have not or who have never heard it all. According to the commercials on the internet, Christmas is about "Mrs. Claus, " Mum, who has been picking the perfect Christmas presents for her family for centuries. The problem with that commercial is that giving Christmas presents is a very late development--nineteenth century, eighteenth century at the earliest. Maybe we should not be hesitant to talk about the greatest Christmas present of all--Jesus Christ.

3 Behind-the-Scenes Preaching Tips for Your Christmas SermonThhere’s so much to see in the Nativity and as we all figure out how to preach this Christmas here are three ideas on how to approach the Nativity from an unexpected angle.

How College Ministries Are Coping with COVID College ministries are tough. The COVID-19 pandemic made them tougher.

Persecution on the Rise Overseas With this statement James Emery White hits the nail on the head. "I’ve often heard Christians in the U.S. speak about being “persecuted” for their beliefs, or for being marginalized as a result of their convictions. While I believe there have been isolated cases of Christians in America being wrongly prosecuted for taking various stands, I’m not ready to call anything any American Christian has suffered persecution."

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