
Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Tuesday's Catch: Digital Marketing and More

How to Market Your Church Online James Emery White takes a look at some digital marketing methods that churches can use to meet unchurched people where they are--online.

7 Christmas Fellowship Ideas by Zoom Here are some Zoom Christmas fellowship ideas for individuals and families who have made the wise choice and are not traveling for the holidays. Staying home for Christmas not only protects you and your immediate household but also those you chose not visit this year.

Your Small Group's Worst Enemy during COVID-19--and 5 Things to Do about It In this article Ken Braddy offers some helpful advice but he overlooks a sixth option--move your small group online. Zoom groups and asynchronous groups are two ways that your small group can keep studying the Bible together when it becomes too risk to meet together in person. When COVID-19 cases are skyrocketing in your community, meeting together in person even if you wear face masks, social distance, and follow other recommended guidance for reducing transmission risks may prove rash.

Dr. Fauci on the Coronavirus Vaccine: It’s Safe and Effective A lot of inaccurate and false information about the COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine has been circulationg online or by word of mouth. Peaple are wary about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. Dr. Anthony Fauci, America's leading epidemoligist, addresses their concerns.

Canadian Church Fined $37k for ‘Church in Our Cars’ What is noteworthy is how the Canadian church in questions reacted to the legal action taken against it by the province and how other Manitobian churches reacted to the church's violation to the ban on large car park gatherings.

Pastor Gets Death Threats for Advising Church to Catch COVID, "Get It Over With." The views that Michigan pastor Brad Spenser has expressed in public statements are extremely irresponsible and reprehensible. They show not only ignorance of the different ways the COVID-19 coronavirus can affect the people that are infected with the virus but also a lack of concern for the safety of others that to my mind is un-Christian. Some people who become infected with the virus experience mild or no symptoms; others require hospitalization and may die from the effects of the virus. Peer review of the mask effectiveness study Jessica Lea mentions in the article found that the study was flawed due to its methodology and the size of the sample. Empirical data gathered from around the world shows that face masks have been effective as a layer of intervention with other measures such as social distancing and handwashing in slowing the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. A CDC study found that Kansas counties that implemented a mask mandate saw a significant reduction in COVID-18 cases while counties that refused to implement the mandate continued to experience rising number of cases. See Mask Mandates Work To Slow Spread Of Coronavirus, Kansas Study Finds, Kansas issued a face mask order. Counties that opted out saw COVID-19 cases rise 100% in 6 weeks, CDC says, and Trends in County-Level COVID-19 Incidence in Counties With and Without a Mask Mandate — Kansas, June 1–August 23, 2020.

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