
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Tuesday's Catch: The Second COVID-19 Stimulus Bill and More

The FAQs: How the 2nd COVID Stimulus Bill Affects Churches and Individuals As with the last stimulus bill, the most noticeable effect for most Americans will be a rebate on their taxes that will come in the form of a direct payment.

Why People Do Give to Their Church... and Why They Don'tMoney is a touchy subject. It’s been said that the last thing that gets converted in a Christian’s life is their wallet. But we also know that the Bible teaches generosity, and specifically, to the local church of which we are a part. Many do give. Many don’t. Why is that?

Televangelist Pat Robertson Says Trump Lives in an 'Alternate Reality' and Should Move on from Election Loss Pat Robinson, a prominent conservative backer of President Trump, acknowledges the president's delusional state of mind and urges him to accept his defeat in the recent election and get on with his life.

Former SBC President Signs Statement on SBC’s Failure to Acknowledge Systemic Racism New Orleans pastor Fred Luter, the only Black person to have served as president of the predominantly white Southern Baptist Convention, has added his name to a statement on justice and repentance released Friday (Dec. 18).

Liberty, Justice, and Love for All The 2020 presidential election may be over, but we are hardly out of the woods. For the foreseeable future, discussing issues of politics and justice seems destined to be a toxic venture. For those of us in the church, however, this need not be the case. After all, injustice is not a new problem. In fact, we’ve always had truth from the Bible that directly addresses it.

Harnessing The Discontent of 2020 to Make Necessary Changes 2021 is an opportunity to make long overdue changes to the way we do church.

Why Does It Matter that Jesus Was Born of a Virgin? Parthenogenesis is not unknown in nature. Scientists have successfully cloned a number of animals as well as re-engineered them. Virgin conception is not outside the realm of credibility so why do some Christiansrefuse to accept this belief in Jesus' virgin birth?

Is Christmas Pagan? This subject is brought up every year at Christmas time. Christmas, however, is not a pagan holiday and has never been a pagan holiday. Christians should not feel guilty about celeberating the birth of the Saviour of humankind.

How to Have the Best Christmas Ever Even with all the changes 2020 has wrought, you can still enjoy Christmas. In fact, this Christmas Eve may be your most memorable one yet.

“Hey Pastor, You’re Doing It Wrong”, Everybody What a crazy time to be a pastor. The only thing you can be absolutely sure of is no matter what you do, or don’t do, church people will tell you did the wrong thing.

Caring Without Hugs No, we cannot reach out and hug those who need hugs so badly. But we can embrace them in countless, creative ways. And our empathy and our compassion tell us we must.

8 Reasons Churches Talk More about the Great Commission than Do It What is keeping your church from fulfilling the Great Commission?

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