
Monday, January 25, 2021

Monday's Catch: 4 Ministry Trends to Watch in 2021 and More

4 Ministry Trends to Watch in 2021 There is, however, something to be said for understanding the times in which we live. If we can discern widespread activities and trends in evangelical churches, we should consider their implications and trajectory for ministry in the coming years. Here are four things to watch for....

Young Leaders in Aging Church While this article concern the decline in younger clergy in the United Methodist Church, its findings may be applicable to other denominations which are experiencing a similar decline.

Americans’ Trust of Pastors Hovers Near All-Time Low Could America's distrust of pastors be affecting denomination and churches' ability to recruit younger clergy? Young people are drawn to professions that enjoy public respect, particular the respect of their peers.

3 Strategies for Cultivating a Biblically Literate Church According to Lifeway Research, more than 1 in 4 Protestant church attenders fail to read their Bible at least once a week. Less than half say they read their Bible more than once a week. In our society of literacy and Bible accessibility, this Bible neglect is concerning. The more our people neglect their Bibles the less they will know, obey, and enjoy the Lord Jesus Christ. Less Bible means the body of Christ embodies him less faithfully, less joyfully, and less effectively.

9 Questions to Evaluate If Your Church Is a Holy Church Personal holiness does not appear to be a major concern of today's church if the lives of its members are anything to go on. Today's Christians appear more concerned with pointing out the specks of sawdust in other people's eyes than they are removing the sequoia logs from their own.

The Pivot in Our Mission: Find the Evangelism Style That Excites You (Repost) This article was originally posted on the Exchange in May 2020. How to create momentum for evangelism that will cause believers to engage is a relevant subject today as it was then.

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