
Monday, January 04, 2021

Monday's Catch: Abortion Is Not an Unforgiveable Sin and More

Abortion Is Not an Unforgiveable Sin Several of my own dear friends have had abortions. Their stories are all unique and all very painful. They include abuse, careless boyfriends, a lack of wisdom, a giving in to temptation, pressure from parents, pressure from the father, pressure from herself—each one an overwhelming sense of feeling like she had no other option. And each one now carrying heavy regret and deep sadness. For those attending church on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, the day can be especially sorrowful.

Seven Things to Do After You Look at Pornography Men are not the only ones who become addicted to pornography. Women do too.

Quality Scripture Reading in 2021 Every New Year we are encouraged to spend more time in the Word. But how many of us do?

10 Fresh Ways to Read Your Bible in 2021 Ten spot-on suggestions. One I adopted years ago is to read Scripture aloud. When I read it silently, I rush through the passages that I am reading.

10 Best Practices For Worship Sound Techs More and more churches have sound techs.

Grace Gives Us a New Way to Live You will never understand your struggle with sin unless you grasp that, at its very bottom, sin is a heart problem. It’s not first a problem of bad behavior, although it always goes there. It’s not first an external temptation problem, although it causes us to give in to temptation’s draw. It’s not first a location or situation problem, although it expresses itself there. Sin is a matter of the heart.

Christianity Without Repentance Isn’t Christianity Jesus calls us to turn away from sin, not to wallow in it.

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