
Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Wednesday's Catch: Gone Fishing? and More

Gone Fishing? Sadly, many churches and many Christians go for years without bringing a single soul to Christ. We are not called to be keepers of the aquarium— Jesus calls us to be “fishers of people,” to catch folk up in God’s grace, love, and salvation.

8 Questions to Evaluate Your Church's evangelism Chuck Lawless shares with his readers 8 quetions that he is using in evaluating how evangelistically-oriented is his own church.

7 Reasons Question Marks are More Productive than Exclamation Points in Evangelism Chuck Lawless explains why, in evangelizing others, we we need to ask more questions as we get to the gospel truth.

3 Strategies to Keep People Comng Back to Your Small Group These three things take away some excuses people have for arriving late or for not attending at all—whether your group is meeting in person or virtually.

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