
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Wednesday's Catch: The Patriotic Idolatry and More

The Patriotic Idolatry Donny Friederichsen draws attention to how American exceptionalism and Dispensationalist theology have contributed to theology becoming the handmaiden of political agendas in the United States.

The Question is Not Whose Side is God On? ...but are you on God's side?

Failed Trump Prophecies Offer a Lesson in Humility The apostle Paul warns us that prophecies are subject to those making them. Rather than being a special revelation from God, they can be the product of wishful thinking and a fertile imagination. The late Ian Watson, himself a leader in the charismatic movement in the Anglican Church, warned his fellow charismatics about giving more weight to special revelation than to Scripture and urged them to subject all thinking to Scripture.

Why You Should Think Twice Before Sharing That Next Viral Post About Human Trafficking Where children are concerned, one should always check the source of the information. A number of Christians have been misled by innacurate or false information circulating on the internet. As Shayne More warns us in this article, passing on this information to others can have real-world consequences.

Leaders and their Listening: at which of the 4 Levels do you listen? The most basic of all human needs is the need to be understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them. Listening occurs at several levels. Charles Stone describe four fundamental levels in his article.

What’s Still Working with Online Small Groups The reception to online groups ... has met with a mixed reaction. Let’s talk about what’s not working, and then examine the bright spots that are working.

7 Deadly Sins of Small Group Ministry I believe there are at least 7 deadly sins of small group ministry. I also believe they are forgivable, but there is a consequence. In this case the consequences almost always affect unconnected people, group leaders and group members.

A Simple Test to Evaluate Your Outward Focus and Evangelistic Potential Take this simple test and learn more about your outward focus and your evangelistic potential.

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