
Monday, February 22, 2021

5 Ways You Shouldn’t Try to Be Like Jesus

One of the most common ways people relate to Jesus is by seeing him as an example to follow. This idea is captured in the popular modern phrase “What would Jesus do?” or in the acronym WWJD. Even many non-Christians recognize Jesus as a positive moral example. While it’s not the primary way we should relate to Jesus—relating to him as creator, sustainer, and redeemer is—following his example is thoroughly biblical.

However, I recently had a discussion with some who said something like this: “I’m a follower of Jesus. If Jesus obeyed the law, then so will I.” While it sounds biblical on the surface, it’s misguided. In this post, I’d like to briefly survey what the Bible teaches about being like Jesus and then offer some cautions against an overly simplistic approach to trying to be like Jesus, where we follow him in ways we were never meant to. Those who reason this way have the best of intentions, but rather than honor Jesus they dishonor him. Read More

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