
Thursday, February 11, 2021

7 Reasons Why Christians Abandon the Faith

Since I’ve been following the Lord over the last three decades, I’ve watched believers — some of them being the most faithful and the most zealous of my friends — Christians abandon the faith, leave the Lord, and veer off into atheism or some other world religion.

(Keep in mind that the purpose of this blog isn’t to discuss the once-saved-always-saved doctrine nor to speculate on whether or not these folks truly knew the Lord. That’s an entirely different topic and not the one for today’s post. Rather, it’s to explore why these people—who in all cases had all the outward marks of being a true follower—decided to serve Jesus divorce papers and turn their backs on God.)

Whether you want to call it apostasy or backsliding is irrelevant. I want to stay with one narrow idea: the reasons why they said they bailed out on the Lord and abandoned the faith.

As I shuffle these people in my mind—some of whom served the Lord for over 20 years before they pulled the plug on believing in Jesus altogether—each of them said they did so for one of these seven reasons. Read More

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