
Wednesday, February 10, 2021

All Hallows Evening Prayer for Wednesday Evening (February 10, 2021) Is Now Online

Welcome to All Hallows Evening Prayer, a service of worship in the evening for all pilgrims on the journey to the heavenly city.

 A week from today we will be beginning the holy season of Lent. In addition to a service of Evening Prayer, All Hallows Murray will also provide a penitential service for those who are unable to attend the Ash Wednesday Service at their own church. or who do not have a church whose Ash Wednesday Service that they can attend.

The Scripture reading for this Wednesday evening is 1 Corinthians 11: 17-34 The Supper of the Lord

The homily is titled, “Do This in Remembrance of me.”

The second psalm is  J. David Moore's choral arrangement of Isaac Watts' metrical version of Psalm 23, "My Shepherd Will Supply My Need," available from Fresh Ayre Music

The dismissal song is Carl. P. Daw Jr.’s “As We Gather at the Table,” available from Hope Publishing Company.

The link to this Wednesday evening’s service is:

Please feel free to share the link to Sunday evening’s service with anyone whom you believe might benefit from the service.

If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears. An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

Previous services are online at

May this service be a blessing to you.

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