
Saturday, February 20, 2021

Saturday Lagniappe: How to Convince People to Get Involved in Small Groups and More

How to Convince People to Get Involved in Small Groups We must be intentional in how we lead our congregations in order to shape a culture of small-group involvement. Here are three tips on how to build that culture.

Managing Online Groups Ministry is more decentralized than ever. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. But, many of the things you typically count on to monitor the health and activity of small groups aren’t functioning at their optimal level. How can you know what’s going on with your groups when your “dashboard” has short circuited?

Turn Your Sermons into Small Group Studies Many pastors are interested in creating their own video-based curriculum. But, they put it on the backburner because they feel the pressure of creating the next Purpose-Driven Life. Let me relieve some pressure for you – that’s not going to happen. There is both good and bad news in that statement. 

4 Steps to Recruit a Church Planting Team Preparing to start a church plant can be a daunting task. There are so many needs to fill and sometimes the enormity of it all can feel paralyzing. One of the keys to successfully planting a church is to recruit a good launch team. (Remember, in our language today, a launch team and a core group are a little bit different.

How to Lead Well as a Church Planting Leader Church planting requires a certain set of skills—organization, initiative, patience, and passion, just to name a few. These skills are especially required for a church planting leader. To last long term in this capacity without burnout requires some forethought and consideration. Here are some thoughts on how to lead well in this position.

Reaching Out Like a New Church, Whatever Your Age There are many things that I have learned as pastor of a new church that have changed the way I look at church. Some of these practices and values have been born out of necessity, but I am committed to hold onto them no matter the size of our congregation or the growth of our assets because I believe they will keep us focused on reaching new people. They will hold us close to Christ’s mission to make disciples rather than just caring for our own.

According to Their Ability: Church Growth in Small and RuralLocations After thirty-two years in pastoral ministry, I have come to see three great influences upon my experience. These might be summarized by that famous line from business that states the most important thing is “location, location, and location.” Let me explain.

5 Practices of Leaders who Develop Leaders There are specific practices among the best developers of leaders, and I’m sharing five of them with you here.

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