
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

4 Trends Shaping Church Planting and Growth Through 2050

There are a few reasons why church planting networks should be thinking about the year 2050. But among the most important is that the population in North America—the United States in particular—is diversifying rapidly. Very soon, for the first time since the country’s founding, whites will comprise less than half of the total U.S. population. The nation’s leading demographer from the Brookings Institute, William Frey, says this could happen as soon as 2045.

While demographics aren’t destiny, the large shifts—especially the new complex dynamics of urban and suburban contexts—and the increasing diversity of local neighborhoods and communities has a huge implication for how church planting is being conceptualized for a new generation.

Frey’s book, Diversity Explosion: How New Racial Demographics are Remaking America, provides watershed insight and implications for organizations concerned with how they can embrace and adjust to this oncoming reality,

I am convinced that the United States is in the midst of a pivotal period ushering in extraordinary shifts in the nation’s racial demographic makeup. If planned for properly, these demographic changes will allow the country to face the future with growth and vitality as it reinvents the classic American melting pot for a new era.

The correlation of this for church planting groups is that if they do not plan properly as suggested by Frey, there will be diminishing effectiveness in their church planting efforts. Read More

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