
Monday, March 08, 2021

5 Critical Mistakes Church Leaders Should Avoid in the Post-COVID World

Finally, it seems like the post-COVID world is finally coming into view.

While different countries, regions, provinces and states will emerge out of COVID at different times, 2021 appears to be the year we will be able to move into a post-pandemic world.

So, as you get ready to embrace the new reality, what should you be focused on? Read More

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The church cannot retreat from cyberspace and be faithful to Jesus Christ. A large segment of the world's population is online and Christians are called to be salt and light and witnesses to Jesus Christ. We are called to be ambassadors of the King. The digital church and the embodied church are not two different churches. They are two manifestations of one church--the church of Jesus Christ.  Both are the "real church." We may be tempted to shy away from the digital church out of the fear that there is not enough to go around and the digital church will take people away from the embodied church. I suspect that there is a busy devil as well as human insecurity behind this fear. We are like small children when someone is handing out cookies, fearful we will not get our share. The devil tempts us not to trust God's generosity. 

Both digital church and embodied church have an upside and a downside. The proper relationship of digital church and embodied church is a partnership in which each learns from the other and build each other up. As two different expressions of one church, they serve the same Lord, and are called to show and share the love of Jesus. 

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