
Monday, March 29, 2021

Biden Calls for Mask Mandates, CDC Director Fears 'Impending Doom' from COVID Surge


The warnings came amid a 10% rise in cases.

CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, in an emotional plea Monday, said she feels a sense of "impeding doom" about another surge in COVID-19 cases as infections increased 10% and President Joe Biden called for a return of mask mandates.

"I'm going to reflect on the recurring feeling I have of impending doom," Walensky said at a White House briefing. "We have so much to look forward to, so much promise and potential of where we are, and so much reason for hope. But right now, I'm scared.

Walensky has repeatedly warned that the country would face another, avoidable surge in COVID-19 cases if Americans didn't keep wearing masks, avoid travel, and continue social distancing until more of the population is vaccinated.
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Also See:
Covid-19: CDC head warns of 'impending doom' in US
CDC study finds Pfizer, Moderna vaccines are 90% effective after two doses in real-world conditions
‘I’m empty.’ Pandemic scientists are burning out—and don’t see an end in sight
According to the Lexington Herald Leader, Kentucky coronavirus deaths have passed 6000 but Kentuckians are not keeping their vaccination appointments. One report that I read stated that even one dose of the Moderna vaccine was 80% effective. Residents of Kentucky, like people elsewhere in the United States, just as there is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel, are getting a case of the "stupids." Now I am not suggesting that they are dull-witted--far from it. One can be a bright, intelligent person and suffer from the "stupids." It is that they listen to the wrong person at the wrong time. and they make a mistake in judgment, a mistake that involves them in what is basically self-destructive behavior. On several occasions in my own life I have come down with the "stupids" so I know what it is like. In retrospect you look back and say to yourself, "How could I have been so brainless? Where was my common sense?" Unfortunately we have a way of tripping ourselves up and falling flat on our faces. We make a bad judgment call. We do not always learn from the experience. Right now we need to be on guard against the "stupids" as well as the COVID-19 coronavirus. Bravado will not protect us from the virus or protect our loved ones. We do better to follow the CDC's advice--wear a face mask, social distance, wash hands, avoid crowds and poorly ventilated spaces, avoid unnecessary travel, get vaccinated. For churches, require face masks and social distancing, limit the size of gatherings, worship outdoors, and take other necessary precautions. 

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