
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Church After Covid-19: Three Hard Realities the Church Must Face

Back in March, many of us pressed pause on “regular” church, assuming we would be back in a few weeks. Four months later most churches are trying to sputter back to some form of in-person ministry, and we’ve all realized the impact of this crisis will not be measured in weeks or even months, but years. Consider three realities the church must face as we prepare for what’s next. Read More

Also See:
Should Online ‘Church’ Continue After the Pandemic?
Due to its title, I was initially dubious about posting a link to the second article. Whether we like it, online church is with us to stay. It is not going away. Churches that do not integrate it into their strategy to reach and engage the unchurched are making a serious mistake. But after I read the article, I decided to post a link to it. Whether in person or online, our worship services should involve the attendee as an active participant. The vocalists in a praise band singing on a stage is not corporate worship. Corporate worship engages the entire congregation. We are shortchanging our congregations when we offer them a so-called worship time dominated by a praise band. 

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