
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

How to Support Millennials During the Pandemic

Millennials are being disproportionately affected by the pandemic.

This season of COVID-19 has been a struggle for most of us, not being able to gather the way we want, having to do something different with the way our students attend school, the masks that we have to all wear on our faces and financial struggles. Based on the Barna survey below, millennials have been heavily impacted....

As you can see in the survey, while each age group has been impacted, millennials are at the top of each area. Food and supplies and financial assistance rank high, as this season might have caused them to lose a job or have to shift a position due to telework or no work. You also see that emotional support is higher for millennials than the other groups. They are connected but not close (See my article on loneliness for some thoughts on loneliness during this season.) Here are a few thoughts on engaging millennials during this season. Read More

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