
Saturday, March 27, 2021

Philippians 2 and the Mind-Blowing Mystery of Christian Obedience

Some things in the Bible are intuitive. Many statements in Proverbs, for example, could easily be discovered by personal experience (e.g., the wringing of the nose brings forth blood, (Prov. 30:33). But some things in Scripture are so mind-bending that we’d probably never believe them if God hadn’t inspired them.

The relationship between God’s sovereignty and our responsibility is one of those things. How does Christian obedience work? Is it something we do, or something God does in us? And if it’s something we do, how can God get the glory instead of us? Moreover, is obedience something we should actively seek, or should we simply “let go and let God”? If salvation is something God does from start to finish (Phil. 1:6), what does that leave for us to do? Read More

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