
Friday, March 19, 2021

Stop Worrying That You’ll Upset Older Donors or Church Members

They're more hip than you think....

One of the most frequent (and frustrating) cycles that’s happened to our team over the years is this: A church, ministry, or nonprofit asks us to come in to help them update their brand, reposition in the marketplace, or help share their message in a more contemporary way. Fine. But at a point, some of them get really nervous and start pushing back, and it usually sounds like this:

“Phil, we can’t become too contemporary in how we present our message because we’re afraid we’ll upset our older donors or church members. If we update our website, design a really creative logo, those older folks – who are our major donors or most supportive church members – won’t like it and will push back.”

Then they try to backpedal, soften the work, or make it less relevant.

Let me put this argument to rest:

Right now, the oldest donors or church members you have – people in their 80’s for instance, are part of the rock and roll generation. These guys were raised listening to Led Zeppelin, James Brown, and the Stones.

Do you really think your new logo will freak them out? Read More

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