
Thursday, April 29, 2021

Are We Following the God of What Works? Free eBook

5 barriers to conversion-based church planting

Dietrich Schindler shares what he’s learned in his 30 years of church multiplication and why he believes conversion-based church planting is not on the radar of most leaders today.

See if this sounds familiar: A gifted leader inspires other Christians to start a new church. They meet regularly to pray, plan and lay out a church-planting strategy. Often, this involves what the worship service will look like and what kinds of programs the church will offer.

My guess is you’ve either been a part of or led that process at one time or another. Unwittingly, the leaders of the new venture often reduce the meaning of church to an event, equating the church with a worship service. The worship service becomes the ministry’s driving force, which quickly translates to a focus on numbers, giving, staff, technology and image projection.

This commonly held assumption about church planting is depriving people of discovering the hope of Christ at a time when we desperately need it. If we commit our church-planting efforts into the hands of the god of what works, we shouldn’t be surprised when the wheels come off. Read More
As Thom Rainer and Kevin Ezell in a recent Church Answers podcast drew to their listeners' attention, the transfer growth is not there due to the declining churchgoing. People are not attending church like they once did. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this trend. If new churches are to grow and thrive, they must focus upon making new converts to the Christian faith. 

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