
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Get a Shot for Your Neighbor

According to multiple polls and surveys, there is one group that stands in the way of current vaccines achieving victory over COVID-19:

White evangelical Christians.

Currently there are approximately 41 million residing in the United States, and in late February about 45% said that they would not get the vaccine. This is a sizable enough number of people to prevent herd immunity and guarantee the spread of the virus and the state of the pandemic, not to mention the ongoing rise in the death toll.

I can’t begin to tell you how deeply this disturbs me. I am White, and I have in the past felt comfortable calling myself an evangelical Christian—though what the word “evangelical” represents today is different than when I first embraced it. These days I find myself increasingly saying that I am simply a biblical Christian who stands in the stream of historic Christian orthodoxy.

But back to vaccinations. Read More
When originally posted on Christianity and Culture, this article was entitled "White Evangelical Resistance." When it was reposted on the Outreach Magazine website, it was retitled "Get a Shot for Your Neighbor."

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