
Friday, April 23, 2021

Reality Check: COVID-19 Is Not Going Away Soon.

Wearing a  Face Mask  and Social Distancing Protects Others, Not Just You!

COVID-19 denial. Social distancing. Levels of intervention. Pandemic fatigue. Vaccination hesitancy. These have become familiar words as the COVID-19 has raged across the world for the last 12 months or more. Most denominations, judicatories, and churches are taking the pandemic with the seriousness that it warrants. A few are not. 

On Facebook I read a post in which the lead bishop of small Continuing Anglican jurisdiction casually dismissed the need to follow the advice and recommendations of health experts. It is irresponsible remarks like his, which create the opportunities for the virus to spread. They may earn the likes of those who share his views, but they are not helpful when it comes to protecting churchgoers and communities from the virus. They add to the disinformation and misinformation about COVID-19 circulating on social media. 

India is experiencing its second major wave of COVID-19 cases. Why? The government  became overly confident that they had the pandemic under control, relaxed restrictions, and permitted large religious and sports gatherings. The country's vaccine rollout has been hampered by India's notoriously inefficient and corrupt bureaucracy. 

People may tire of the public health measures--the face masks, the social distancing, the size limits on gatherings, the avoidance of unnecessary travel, and the other recommended precautionary measures. "We want our freedom back," they may groan. The virus, however, does not tire of making people sick and killing them.  

Here are the links to several articles that may be helpful in grasping the ongoing seriousness of the pandemic. We are not at the stage where we are approaching anything close to how things were before the pandemic. We are not likely to ever reach that stage. We need to come to terms with the realities of the COVID-19 era. 

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