
Tuesday, April 27, 2021

What You Can Do to Develop More Women Small-Group Pastors

Despite a plethora of female group leaders, few small-group pastors are women.

Roughly 1 in 3 of all MDiv students is female, according to The Association of Theological Schools. This trend spans back several years. And yet, as Barna reported, less than 10 percent of all lead pastors are women. Of course, women lead in various ministries apart from the role of senior pastor. Even so, the trend of men outnumbering women in official church leadership roles holds across church leadership, including the role of small-group pastor.

Though women are at the helm of many small groups, it's rare to find a woman appointed as small-group pastor. But why is this the case? Through the research I've conducted with women around the globe, I believe there are two reasons behind the lack of female leaders we see for these ministries. Read More

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