
Monday, April 26, 2021

What You Need to Know Before Your Church Returns to "Normal."

None of us have ever experienced a year like this previous one. As we come back from the pandemic to more normality in our church services, there are a few things to keep in mind.

There have been other events which have shaped culture and our churches forever. I once had a stalker make threats against me from our television ministry. It caused our church leadership to consider changes in the way I interacted with the church on Sundays. I still wanted to be available to greet people, but I was more careful where I stood and had people aware of my surroundings. In some ways, things were never quite the same.

Certainly, that’s a mild example of what we will experience coming out of COVID-19. The point is things will not be the same, even when we take the tape off every other pew in our worship centers and get rid of the “stand 6-feet apart” signs off our walls. It is going to be awkward for a while. For example, standing close to one another may feel a bit uncomfortable.

The key is to not assume everyone is going to be on the same page of returning. They certainly have not been on the same page during the pandemic, and they will not be afterward either. We need to give people grace to return as they are comfortable.

It will be awkward whenever we return. We must live in the tension again. Here are seven thoughts I’d encourage you to consider as we return to some sense of “normal.” Read More

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