
Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Why Jesus’s Humanity Matters as Much as His Divinity

OK, let’s admit it. We love superhero movies. Or at least that’s what the box-office numbers are telling us. By the end of 2019 (2020 doesn’t count), superhero movies represented a mind-blowing 25 percent of the domestic movie marketplace.

But this fascination is nothing new. I can still remember watching the reruns of Superman—the original starring George Reeves—on TV. For most of the show he was just Clark Kent, a normal, mild-mannered reporter. But at the end of each show, he would show up as Superman and save the day.

That’s the thing about Superman. He looked like an ordinary human—he walked, talked, and ate food. But, in reality, he wasn’t human at all. He was an alien being from the planet Krypton. His humanity was only an illusion.

Indeed, Superman was able to save people precisely because he wasn’t human like us. When it comes to the person of Christ, however, things are very different. Read More

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