
Monday, May 10, 2021

Five Common Themes in Churches with High Pastor Turnover

This reality is becoming increasingly common. More churches are losing pastors after only a brief tenure. Even more troubling, many of these same churches are seeing these patterns repeat themselves with each consecutive pastor.

I recently worked with one church that had six pastors in nine years. Not one of the pastors made it to the third year. They wanted my help to determine what was wrong with all these pastors. My suggestion that they might be the problem was not received well.

Though no two churches are alike, we are seeing common patterns and themes in these high pastor turnover churches. Here are five of the most common theme.... Read More
Thom Rainer draws to our attention an unpleasant reality: The reason that many churches are not keeping pastures, are not growing, are seeing few visitors, and heading for the trash heap of history is the members of the congregation themselves. 

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